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Care of the Skin: Test

1. A little blister on an elderly person's skin is normal and nothing to be concerned about.

(True or False)








2. You should report a reddened area on the skin to the nurse or your supervisor if:

(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided)


A. It has a dark black or brown center.

B. It doesn't turn white under your thumb when you press on it.

C. You remove all pressure from it and it still doesn't return to a normal skin color after 20 minutes.

D. b and c 








3. You should encourage residents to have healthy skin by:

(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided)


A. Bathing frequently with soap and water.

B. Only bathing occasionally.

C. Using lots of powder in all the skin folds and creases.

D. Staying clean, using lotion, eating well, drinking water, and exercising.








4. When sitting in a chair for long periods, your patients should:

(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided)


A. Sit with knees higher than hips.

B. Get up or shift their weight every 15 minutes.

C. Stay there as long as possible.

D. Avoid shifting their weight in the chair too much








5. Older people are at risk for pressure sores because:

(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided) 


A. They eat too much.

B. They bathe too often.

C. The skin, the fatty tissue layer, and the blood vessel walls are thinner and more fragile.

D. Their bones get sharper as they age.








6. Changes in a person's skin color could be a sign of illness.

(True or False)








7. People who are in bed most of the time should keep the head of their bed raised as high as possible, because a sitting position is better for circulation than a lying position.

(True or False)








8. Older people tend to feel cold because:

(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided) 


A. The fatty tissue layer is thinner and the blood vessels don't expand and contract as well.

B. They don't wear enough clothes.

C. Their internal thermostat doesn't work anymore.

D. None of the above.








9. Older people heal slowly because the skin is not getting enough oxygen and nutrition.

(True or False)








10. People who have had strokes or are paralyzed must be watched closely for skin ulcers.

(True or False)








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