Diabetes: Test
1. Fill in the chart of the recommended normal blood sugar levels.
Before a meal:
At Bedtime:
2. Write the four parts of diabetic treatment. (write four responses in the space provided separated with commas)
3. If a diabetic person becomes weak, tired, and dizzy, you should first:
(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided)
A. Have her lie down until it wears off.
B. Give her something sweet to drink.
C. Call 911.
4. Diabetics should never eat candy, ice cream, or cake. (True or False)
5. You should call 911 if a diabetic has the following symptoms:
(Type the letter corresponding to your answer in the space provided)
A. Confusion and personality change
B. Weakness and dizziness
C. Fruity-smelling breath or deep, gasping breathing
D. Itchy skin
6. Having high levels of sugar in the blood over a long period of time can cause heart disease, blindness, and loss of feeling in the feet. (True or False)
7. For most people, blood sugar is too LOW if it reads less than on a glucose meter.
8. For most people, blood sugar is too HIGH if it reads more than on a glucose meter.
9. All diabetics must take insulin shots. (True or False)
10. All diabetics should monitor their blood sugar, control their diet, exercise, and take their medicines. (True or False)
11. If you notice sores or wounds on the _____ or _____ of a diabetic, you must report them to your supervisor or a medical person.
(Type both answers in the space provided separated by commas)
12. Low blood sugar can cause heart attacks and strokes in the elderly. (True or False)
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